Your Ways, O Lord: A Lenten Psalm Collection
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A contemporary collection of Psalms for Lent Year B, including Psalm choices for the Scrutiny Readings, Year A.
Ash Wednesday
First Sunday of Lent Second Sunday of Lent Third Sunday of Lent Readings for the Scrutiny Year A Fourth Sunday of Lent Readings for the Scrutiny Year A Fifth Sunday of Lent Readings for the Scrutiny Year A Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Holy Thursday Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion |
Ps 51 Be Merciful, O Lord
Ps 25 Your Ways, O Lord Ps 116 I Will Walk Before the Lord Ps 19 Lord You Have the Words Ps 95 If Today You Hear His Voice Ps 137 Let My Tongue Be Silenced Ps 23 The Lord Is My Shepherd Ps 51 Create a Clean Heart Ps 130 With the Lord Ps 22 My God, My God Ps 116 Our Blessing Cup Ps 31 Into Your Hands |